They did it! Imagine South Lake named a 2011 National School of Character

admin Imagine Schools in the news

School wins national designation from the Character Education Partnership

CLERMONT, FL (May 17, 2011) — After winning state recognition two years in a row as a State School of Character, Imagine South Lake leaders received notice recently that it was awarded the highest designation as a 2011 National School of Character (NSOC) by the Character Education Partnership (CEP).

Since 1998, the prestigious NSOC program has recognized schools for their outstanding character development of students and building school cultures that allow students to thrive socially and academically. CEP recognizes all schools that meet the standards set forth by CEP’s 11 Principles of Effective Character Education.

Imagine South Lake founding Principal Christine Watson and Character Education Team Leaders Sherry Anderson and Korrin Dykhouse led the schools’ efforts in creating a school environment worthy of national recognition. New principal, Mary Briggs, is excited about joining the Imagine South Lake staff who truly are living out the Imagine shared values and measures of excellence, which depend strongly on integrating positive character development and academic achievement.

Upon receiving the news, Watson responded, “Our students, families and staff are honored to be recognized in this very special way by the members of the Golden Rule Foundation, who are our state sponsors, and by the Character Education Partnership.”

Anderson added, “I am thrilled to be part of a school which values and promotes good character. At Imagine South Lake, students not only learn about academics, but they learn how to live life well.”

Briggs concluded, “What an honor to be selected as a National School of Character. I knew a month ago when I joined this team there was something different here and this just proves there is!”

In announcing the winners, CEP President and CEO Joe Mazzola commented, “We see over and over that when schools embrace the critical role they have in shaping the character of young people, achievement and morale go up and bullying and discipline problems go down.”

Imagine South Lake students know the importance of having and demonstrating good character. There is no doubt that the students’ words and actions were well recognized by the CEP evaluation team. What do the students have to say about character?

4th grader Hannah Halili said, “Learning about different character traits helps you become a better person in life. It helps you make more friends and have a better spirit.”

Jacob Weis, president of a student community service club called Builder’s Club, added, “Builder’s Club is important to help kids build character and help bring joy to people. I enjoy character. It brings out the best in people.”

Builder’s Club Vice President Ani Roig, commented, “It helps me realize more and more each day that good character affects people and their attitudes. I enjoy character because if you use it correctly, it can make people happy and turn their day wonderful.”

Imagine South Lake competed against hundreds of schools and districts. In March, the school was notified that it was a finalist in the NSOC competition. The application and evaluation process was extensive by CEP and included a site visit, which took place at Imagine South Lake in April.

In the end, Imagine South Lake was among the national winners, which also included 38 traditional public schools, two other charter schools, two private schools, and one school district. Only three schools in Florida received the honor.

CEP will honor the 2011 National Schools of Character at its annual forum in October. NSOC schools will serve as models and mentors to help other educators learn the best practices for improving character and behavior.

Dykhouse, who is also an Imagine South Lake teacher and mom summed it up best concluding, “As a mom of three South Lake students, I see how the culture of our school supports the growth of their whole being.  The work I do to build character in my children at home is mirrored in the lessons they learn at school.  It is wonderful to have our school recognized for our intentional focus on Character Education; something that, as a mom and as a teacher, I am very proud to be a part of!”


Imagine South Lake is a public charter school currently educating nearly 900 Lake County students in grades K-8. The school opened in Clermont in 2005 and is part of the Imagine Schools family, a network of 73 charter schools serving nearly 40,000 students nationwide. For more information about Imagine South Lake, visit

Contact:  Mary Briggs or Sherry Anderson

[email protected]

[email protected]

(352) 243-2960